As for the actual dissection, I enjoyed this one a lot more than the earthworm one, but even then, I still found the earthworm dissection fascinating! Since using a scalpel was not an option, I cut open the squid's head with a pair of scissors and we carefully examined it's organs. It was really cool to see it's anatomy because it looked so different than the earthworm's. We managed to remove the beak ( although in three pieces ) and we got to take a close look at it. Sadly since it was small, we couldn't see too much, but it was interesting because that one of the only few hard parts of the whole squid! The most unusual part to me was the inner skeleton part. ( It kind of looked like a piece of plastic. ) Without our teacher's help, my lab partner and I would have been left confused on the whole ordeal because we were clueless. Shortly after finishing the procedure my lab partner and I attempted to take out the squid's eyes. Our first attempt failed because we punctured the eye with a scalpel and it's residue spewed out, but we managed to make a clean cut on the second eye. Excited, my lab partner and I took a look under the microscope and it was really interesting. That was probably my favorite part of this whole dissection. These labs really help me learn about the anatomy of the organisms because it's a hands on experience! I hope we can do more of these labs because they're a really fun way to learn!
1.) My squid had eight arms and two tentacles.

2.) Based upon the structure of the tentacles and arms of a squid it is presumed that they are used for different purposes. The tentacles are used for grabbing onto prey or latching onto surfaces because their suction cups are located on the tentacles. Their arms are more used for locomotion because since it is shorter, it can move quicker.

Here is a closer look at the squid's arms and tentacles.
3.) The arrows pointing away from the body is the direction in which water comes out of the funnel and the arrow pointing towards the head reigon of the squid indicated which direction the squid will move.

4.) Two external features that are adaptations for a squid's predatory life are :
A.) Suckers on the tentacles : They are used to grab a hold of prey and make sure that they cannot escape.
B.) Beak : The beak is used for picking apart the squid's prey which makes it easier for digestion.

5.) The two traits that a squid shares with other mollusks is :
A.) Bilateral Symmetry : The squid demonstrates bilateral symmetry.
B.) Visceral Mass : The soft bodied portion of the squid that contains the internal organs.

1.) The squid has 2 gills.

2.) The ink sac empties into the water jet and it is used to defend against predators.

3.) The function of the pen is to stabilize the squid for swimming.

4.) The squid excretes waste through the anus then the water jet.